Verdrag betreffende beperking van gevallen van meervoudige nationaliteit en betreffende militaire verplichtingen in geval van meervoudige nationaliteit
Geldig vanaf 20 augustus 1996
Geldig vanaf 20 augustus 1996
Verdrag betreffende beperking van gevallen van meervoudige nationaliteit en betreffende militaire verplichtingen in geval van meervoudige nationaliteit
Convention on reduction of cases of multiple nationality and military obligations in cases of multiple nationality
The member States of the Council of Europe, signatory hereto,
Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its Members;
Considering that cases of multiple nationality are liable to cause difficulties and that joint action to reduce as far as possible the number of cases of multiple nationality, as between member States, corresponds to the aims of the Council of Europe;
Considering it desirable that persons possessing the nationality of two or more Contracting Parties should be required to fulfil their military obligations in relation to one of those Parties only,
Have agreed as follows: